Roman, a five-year-old Afghan Hound from Massachusetts, took the digital world by storm because of a funny viral video featuring his long, beautiful locks. The video shows a mysterious person whose back is facing the camera. The video focused on the subject’s long, dark, beautiful locks. …
Herschel, a German Shepherd, went through a lot in life. The dog lived with chains in a backyard for the last five years. His owners did not show affection for him, leading to the deterioration of his health. Herschel’s teeth were severely damaged after his failed …
As little kids, the sound of a vacuum making loud motor noises may be too much. It’s reasonable that children get scared because of this device. How would they know exactly what it is for and how much it can vacuum right off? If you’re a …
Gone are the days when cats and dogs were known to be mortal enemies. These days, there are instances when you can see them playing around with each other. But what this German Shepherd did to his tiny kitten friend is beyond expectation. In the video …
Sandy Hernandez, a dog owner from Miami, Florida, feared the worst when he lost his two adorable Siberian Huskies, Ragnar and Kloud. This reunion story is sure to tug at your heartstrings. One evening, Sandy allowed Ragnar and Kloud to walk around his backyard. He knew …
Mama was an abandoned dog who spent 15 months living alone in the fields and orchards of a rural area in California. The first report about the poor puppy was in April 2019, and it was shared on social media. Cindy Kelly posted about Mama hanging …
Maggie, a brave canine, was found tied down in the street of Lebanon, without one of her ears and with 17. God knows how afraid she was of humans and how much pain she was in. Everyone wondered who could do this to her because Maggie …