It’s funny how our canine pals come up with hilarious games from seemingly dull activities. No matter what item you present to them, dogs can turn that object into their newest prop for a game.
Thus, one comical Corgi hilariously bites onto fur dad’s belt so he can slide across their tiled floor like a mop. Though the pup looks like a mop, it carries on with the activity like it’s not peculiar at all.
Hey, Winston! Do you want to play with me?
In this silly video clip, a mix-furred Corgi named Winston stands on their tiled floor. Not far away from Winston, one can see his fur dad presenting him with an intriguing object.
Fascinated by the item Dad’s showing him, Winston can’t help but look in its direction. Dad then swings the said item, ultimately revealing its identity.
With the way things look, Dad’s enticing Winston to play with him using a leather belt. And, it looks like the playful Corgi’s thrilled by such an idea as he starts chasing the belt around.
Oh, Winston! You’re sweeping the floor?
As the video progressed, the energetic doggo continues chasing the belt until Dad stops swinging it. When the belt finally stops moving, Winston doesn’t waste any second and grasps it with his snout.
As soon as the Corgi does this, Dad then gently tugs on the belt that Winston’s biting. The pup even adjusts his position, so his belly lies flat against the tiled floor.
Dad then gently glides the mischievous doggo across the floor, making him look like a mop in the process. But as Winston accidentally releases his hold on the belt, he immediately sprints towards it so he can glide once again.
Winston doesn’t mind mopping the floor in the process to carry on with their fun game with the way it looks. But, do you think the Dad continues with their game? Well, you’ll need to stay tuned by clicking the linked footage below.
Video Credit: ViralHog via YouTube