We have always taken physical contact, like hugs, for granted until recently. Having been isolated from the outside world, everybody started to crave that kind of human connection once again. A simple hug not only gave comfort to those who received it, but it also showed others that nobody was truly alone in this world.
One particular corgi understood this sentiment and set out to spread good vibes to his community by giving out warm hugs. Wallace, a playful one-year-old pup, loved to meet and play with other dogs in their neighborhood. Whenever he encountered a potential playmate, he never let them pass by without giving the other dog a warm embrace.
Noah Raminick, his owner, was amazed at his pup’s caring attitude. The corgi was never trained or taught this particular behavior. He just went ahead and started giving out hugs and kisses to every dog or person he bumped in the street.
The prospect of having new buddies made this pup excited, which translated to his hugging nature. This adorable sweetheart shared such happiness and love everywhere he went, much to the delight of those who met him during his walks.
Wallace knew how to adjust the intensity of his hugs as well. He immediately stood on his hind legs and angled his body for a good hug with his large friends. One of his cuddle buddies, Daisy, was a Great Dane, but Wallace never shied away from standing up to give her an embrace.
It was different with smaller dogs. Wallace knew he had to approach gently to avoid scaring them. He went in for a hug once he sensed the other dog was alright with it.
His family was lucky to be the recipient of constant snuggles and plenty of fun playtime around their house. They supported their dog’s initiative in spreading a little love around, knowing it never hurt to get an extra dose of joy in our lives.
Photos courtesy of iamwallacethecorgi via Instagram