Dogs are actually more intelligent than most humans believe.
For some dogs, if their human parents refuse to do something, they just accept it. However, there are certain canines that refuse to passively just accept things. Some of them will go the extra mile and take issues into their own hands.
In a video, an amusing dog is definitely an excellent example of how smart dogs can be! You can see him change the time on the clock to convince his parents that it was
already time for dinner.
Meet Crusoe, a lovable Dachshund who always appears to be hungry. Each evening, he receives his delicious dinner at a set time.
However, one day, little Crusoe became hungry sooner than usual. So he respectfully demanded an early dinner by barking at his mother.
However, the clock simply said that it was just 4 p.m. It was definitely too early to have dinner already. So, despite his rumbling hunger, the canine had no choice but to wait.
This repeatedly happened until one day when he thought out a brilliant way to manipulate the system. When he got hungry at around 4 p.m., he would secretly change the hands of the clock to 5 p.m. Now, when he requests dinner at 5 p.m. and his parents realize it is already 5 p.m., they will not hesitate to give it to him.
It’s amusing, isn’t it? And we definitely continue to find him so amusing to watch.
Both parents revealed that what was originally dinner time at 6 p.m. became 5 p.m. and then 4 p.m. Crusoe may be a mischievous dog, but his folks simply laughed it off! Well, who wouldn’t? You definitely do not get a dog such as Crusoe, who is smart enough to know that changing the time on the clock would help him get dinner early.
Source: Crusoe the Dachshund