Before bringing in rescue dogs, we must always keep in mind that they are not accustomed to living in a house. Therefore, we should not be surprised if they are afraid of completely innocent objects. The only thing to do is to gradually acclimate them to living in a house.
A woman named Emily did precisely that when she fostered a pit bull named Willie. The unfortunate dog had been homeless for so long that he had forgotten how to utilize the stairs. In addition, the pit bull terrier was scared of entrances and wooden flooring.

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Due to Willie’s irrational phobia of these things, Emily had to carry him outside every day so he could relieve himself. Why Every Owner Should Send Their Dog To Dog Day Care?Once the puppy was finished, he would sit outside the door and whine until his foster mother carried him back inside.
Emily recognized the dog’s condition, so she attempted to acclimate Willie to walking on his own. Unfortunately, none of her strategies succeeded. But when Carlo, the new foster dog, arrived, everything changed.
Carlo is virtually the polar opposite of Willie. He is not frightened to walk around the house and would rather relax in the living room than play. Willie, on the other hand, is a high-energy pit bull that enjoys playing, but because of his strange fears, he could not move around the house very much.
Emily took her foster dogs to the store one day, and during the car journey, the two dogs formed a bond. They continued to be highly playful after leaving their foster mother’s automobile. Emily noticed that Willie and Carlo had become inseparable as their relationship strengthened over time.
Due to this new friendship, Willie’s concerns have vanished! He began using the stairs and moving independently throughout the house! However, not only Willie benefited from the relationship as Carlo emerged from his shell. Because of Willie, he became more playful, and their transformation will aid them in finding permanent homes.
Source: Dodo Kids