The Beagle Freedom Project is a unique program founded in 2010 by Animal Rescue, Media, and Education (ARME), a non-profit animal rescue group based in Los Angeles, California. And in August 2015, they received a phone call regarding a dog needing a home.
The dog’s name is Nate, and he is a gorgeous purebred Siberian Husky. The Seal Beach Animal Care Center, a California-based animal shelter, discovered him roaming the streets. They initially believed he was a stray, but when they checked him for a microchip, they found that he was registered under a scientific facility notorious for cruel animal experiments.
No one knew what kind of experiments the laboratory performed on Nate. Still, one thing was sure: Animal testing subjects are thrown in the streets when they no longer meet the demands of the researchers. Fulfilling the psychological needs of an animal takes time and effort. Therefore, disposing of them is an easier option. This is precisely what happened to Nate.
After discovering Nate’s history, Seal Beach Animal Care Center contacted the Beagle Freedom Project staff since they specialize in animal testing victims. Mary Beth Westin, a shelter volunteer, cared for Nate for four months in the interim.
The Beagle Freedom Project finally took Nate from the shelter and placed him in foster care so he could live life like any other dog and experience having a family. The Seal Beach Animal Care Center said goodbye to Nate since he would go to a place where people would understand his past.
Since his release from prison, Nate has undergone rehabilitation with the assistance of The Beagle Project. They established a comprehensive treatment plan and spent months with him to assist him in overcoming his trauma. Now, Nate is a cheerful and hilarious dog ready to find him a forever home.
Animal testing laboratories annually cause the pain and death of thousands of animals due to human avarice. We owe it to the victims of animal testing to speak out against their inhumane treatment.
Here is Nate the Husky’s remarkable rescue story:
Source: Beagle Freedom Project via YouTube