In a rural district in Ukraine, a stray pregnant dog came to a neighborhood where it sought a safe place to give birth. But the residents in this community didn’t want the burden to take care of the dog. It ended up giving birth under a parked car.
A woman who lived nearby discovered the dog and its puppies under the parked car. Out of pity, she brought a cardboard box big enough for the dog and its puppies to sleep in. She placed the box under a tree to give the dogs some shade and plastic sheets on the box to have some protection from the rain.
The dogs live dangerously near the road
The temporary shelter was near the road. Every passing vehicle would startle the mother dog and make it come out of the box to face any danger that might affect its babies. Since vehicles pass regularly on the road, the dog ends the day very exhausted.
The woman later sent a picture to the social media page of a local animal rescue group called the Love Furry Friends. This group was known to give shelter and find new homes for stray dogs. Luckily, the group communicated with the woman and scheduled when a team from the animal center could come and rescue the dogs.
The team from Love Furry Friends came and observed the dog and its six puppies. The team saw their poor living condition and their dangerous location. The rescuers knew these dogs needed their help.
The rescue team takes the dog and the puppies to their animal shelter
On that same day, the rescuers brought the dogs to their animal center. The team made sure to pass by their veterinary clinic to check the status of the dogs’ health. The veterinary doctor treated the dogs for internal and external parasites. Other than that, the dogs were in good health.
The mother dog can finally raise its puppies in a safe place. The animal shelter will be their temporary home until the rescue group can find them new permanent homes.
Watch the heart-warming story unfold in the video below.
Source: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel via Youtube.