Most dogs have no problem receiving physical affection. After all, it’s common for owners to pet their dogs. It is a gesture that dogs enjoy, and owners love doing it.
Sometimes, a dog owner would become puzzled when their dog refuses to be touched. That’s very concerning, especially when a dog has an aggressive response. One dog that displays that type of attitude is called Doong, and his owners have no idea what to do with him.
An older couple adopted Doong after he was surrendered to an animal shelter by his previous owner. From the get-go, he showed signs of uneasiness and aggression. His new owners hoped he would change, but he remained the same even after seven months.
An animal behavior expert met with the couple to help them identify Doong’s problem. The owners had a feeling that the dog harbored ill feelings toward them. With the expert’s help, the couple would find out if their assumption was correct.
The animal expert reassured the couple that their dog did not hate them. Rather, Doong’s behavior was caused by trauma from the abuse he suffered from his previous owner. That explains why Doong reacts negatively to any attempts of physical contact.
The owners were instructed to show Doong that they meant him no harm. To achieve that, the expert suggested an unusual training exercise. The exercise involved using two specific items, which are a necklace and a stuffed animal.
Doong wore a necklace with food inside, but only the owner could unlock it. If Doong wanted to eat the food inside that necklace, he had to allow his owner to touch him. That was a good way to make the dog understand that physical contact would lead to something good.
Meanwhile, the stuffed animal was used to demonstrate that touches meant no harm. The owners petted the stuffed animal while Doong was watching. They showed him that nothing bad would happen during petting.
Source: SBS TV Animals via YouTube.