German Shepherds are excellent pets. They have the ability to learn rapidly and obey directions, so they are ideal as household pets and also great to train as K9 officers.
In this short film, a dog exhibited these traits. She was just having a chill time enjoying the sun when she heard a command being given. She promptly sat up and became quite attentive. She then hurried toward her father’s voice, eager to perform and carry out more instructions.
This is a fantastic example of the dog’s intellect and obedience. This canine seemed to be showing off her breed’s exceptional abilities, and we agree that GSDs are excellent!
Dad complimented his dutiful pet on a job well done. We definitely concur that she accomplished it quite well and she is a really good girl for doing what she did. She did an excellent job and had lightning-fast reflexes as well!
We believe that the fur dad did a good job training her, and she will perform admirably on the job. If the dog is merely in training, we say she is already field-ready. Not all dogs can do just what she did!
If this dog is already retired, her owners are definitely fortunate to have her around to protect the family. German Shepherds are renowned for their strong attachment to their human families. They frequently exhibit human-like behavior, which makes them ideal pets.
Who wouldn’t want a dog that is a pet, buddy, and protector all in one package? If we could locate all of those qualities in a single dog, we’d be sold!
This dog definitely showed that her breed makes ideal combat dogs and ideal family pets. Therefore, they are popular with both dog owners and law enforcement. This animal exemplifies why GSDs are excellent pets and working dogs.
Source: ironmiketodd