The Beagle Freedom Project is a unique program founded in 2010 by Animal Rescue, Media, and Education (ARME), a non-profit animal rescue group based in Los Angeles, California. And in August 2015, they received a phone call regarding a dog needing a home. The dog’s name …
Welcoming a furry friend into your life is a heartwarming experience. The wagging tails, the happy barks, and the sheer joy they bring brighten even the gloomiest days. But let’s face it, as much as we adore our dogs, some of their behaviors can be overwhelming, …
In addition to being our most reliable companions, dogs are essentially our partners in crime. They would definitely have our back even when we do crazy things. Aside from that, they also possess numerous great characteristics that enhance our lives and make it better and more …
As a responsible dog owner, your top priority is ensuring the health and safety of your furry companion. A safe and secure environment is conducive to the health and happiness of your canine companion. This article will focus on practical suggestions for keeping your dog safe, …
Mother dogs and human mothers have shared similar characteristics for a long time, which is why they understand one another. Human mothers enjoy showing off their children, and so do dogs. There is nothing quite like a proud mother dog, and this Golden Retriever surely fits …
Doong is a handsome and loving Shih Tzu. He lives with his human dad and sister and he loves them so much. He sticks by their side all the time and they are happy and blessed to have him in their lives. Like good siblings, Doong …
Owning a dog is definitely a lifelong commitment that entails a lot of responsibility. Aside from loving your pet unconditionally, there are a lot of expenses as well. Sometimes, some families, with all the purest of intentions, have to give up their dogs. They don’t want …