Taking your dog out for a car ride is a great way to spend time with your dog. It can be enjoyable for both of you. However, many owners let their dogs ride in the front seat for a number of reasons. It may be that …
Dogs are a man’s best friend. You’ve probably heard that quote over and over again, and dogs are proving that just by being the most loyal pets you can ever have. They love their humans to death and will do everything and anything to please them. …
Whenever we experience something horrible, we associate certain things that contribute to that particular experience. We often try to avoid these things to avoid the horrible experience. For example, if we get bullied by someone in school, we try to avoid that person so we can …
Playing fetch is a dog’s favorite pastime. No matter how tired dogs are, it seems to be their instinct to retrieve something you throw at them — especially when it is a green tennis ball. They like retrieving and chewing that green goodness. They love to …
As much as we like to pay attention to our own dental hygiene, in most cases, we sometimes forget about the dental hygiene of our pets. As a result, our dog may be more susceptible to tartar buildup, gum disease, and even tooth decay. So what …