3 Ways to Tell if Your Dog is Bored and Needs a New Activity. Dogs are amazing pets. They’re loyal, they’re loving, and they can be your best friend. Dogs need activity to keep them happy and healthy. Unlike humans, dogs cannot get bored on their …
An unnamed woman in Thomasville, Georgia was out biking one day when she witnessed a terrible scene. While biking, the woman saw two men ganging up on something under a water creek. The woman checked what was happening and saw that the two men were holding …
In Mansfield, Texas, two Golden Retrievers – Peaches and Duke – recently kissed in a doggy wedding. Peaches and Duke are therapy dogs who help patients receiving physical therapy at Methodist Mansfield’s Physical Medicine Department. They work closely with patients to alleviate their discomfort and provide …
Although it would be nice if all dogs could communicate with us in the same ways we do with each other, unfortunately, dogs can’t talk. However, this does not mean our four-legged friends don’t communicate with us by other means. There are many ways our dogs …
Have you ever wished you could bring your dog to work? Does leaving your dog at home on his own worry you? Would you prefer if your furry companion could spend all day with you at your job? Fortunately, in the near future, this might just …
It’s the month of December or the holiday season, and for most people, that means it’s time to shop for Christmas gifts! In this article, we’re going to look at some great gift ideas your dogs might love during the holiday season. Depending on their size, …
There are so many breeds out there that all have unique skills and qualities. While some dogs make affectionate and adorable family pets, others make alert and attentive guard dogs. But what if you would like to combine these assets together and own a dog that …