Jack, an American bulldog puppy, has spina bifida, a condition that makes him pretty special. And because he has special needs, he needs a special family who can love him for all that he is. Thankfully, he has found them after going through a rough start. …
If you’re a little corgi, then the world already looks naturally bigger to you. Those chairs and other furniture in the house look like miniature mountains to conquer. That’s probably what this Corgi named Halley felt like with everything around her, but that didn’t stop her …
Puppies will always appreciate tokens and actions of love. Their innocent nature and grateful little hearts just couldn’t hold their thankfulness in. This corgi named Tofu is one of those we mentioned. She’s a rescue pet, so we have no doubt that she’s uber thankful for …
Getting your first dog is an exciting occasion – not only in your life, but your dog’s as well. It can also be a frightening one! Thankfully, there are plenty of breeds to choose from that pair well with first-time owners. Find your match and begin …
If you are unable to take your dog to a professional groomer for whatever reason, you shouldn’t worry at all. Grooming your dog at home is easy, and anyone can do it. Here is a list of the most important things you should know about …
Is it your furry friend’s birthday? They deserve a celebration just like everyone else in the family. What is the best way to celebrate another year of living with your best friend? FOOD!! We all know how much dogs love food, and with a …
Puppies are known for being cute, lovable creatures that people love to have around. However, are they really born with the intention of bonding and interacting with humans? The answer is a little complicated but can be summarized in one word – no. Puppies are not …