Is it your furry friend’s birthday? They deserve a celebration just like everyone else in the family. What is the best way to celebrate another year of living with your best friend? FOOD!! We all know how much dogs love food, and with a …
Puppies are known for being cute, lovable creatures that people love to have around. However, are they really born with the intention of bonding and interacting with humans? The answer is a little complicated but can be summarized in one word – no. Puppies are not …
As owners, we get upset when our canine friend is showing symptoms of separation anxiety. We sometimes feel at a loss when they get nervous seeing us leave the house, even just for a moment, making them scratch the door or try to dig a hole …
It’s funny how our canine pals come up with hilarious games from seemingly dull activities. No matter what item you present to them, dogs can turn that object into their newest prop for a game. Thus, one comical Corgi hilariously bites onto fur dad’s belt so …
One of the most important health tips when it comes to caring for your dog, is to make sure he has a good diet. Many dog owners fail to appreciate the health benefits of a varied dog diet. Of course, it is important your dog …
Brindle used to be a sad, little doggy before JD Aument and his wife, Rachel, decided to pick him up. He was still a pup when the two adopted him from an animal shelter in Pennslyvania. Both of his new human parents openly welcomed him, and …