Some dogs are incapable of interacting with humans. This kind of behavior is a usual thing among rescued dogs who have never experienced being pets. So in order to understand the joys of being a domesticated dog and be used to such a life, they are frequently given to foster homes.
Gunner is a labrador puppy who, in addition to being malnourished, was quite timid. Olivia, his foster mother, taught him how to become more socially confident. Yet, she encountered various obstacles along this procedure.

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Gunner first desired alone, but Olivia was persistent. Despite the fact that the dog wanted nothing to do with her, she conquered his resistance with food. The strategy was successful, and Olivia was soon able to pet Gunner.
Gunner used to spend every day in his kennel. After two weeks, he decided to emerge and investigate the house. The other dogs of Olivia’s taught him how to play. He had the opportunity to play with toys he had never seen before.
The bond between Gunner and the other dogs shaped the development of his behavior. In the presence of first-time acquaintances, his enthusiasm increased. He always desired to go outside and play, as opposed to his customary preference to remain home. In general, he enjoyed the attention he was receiving.
Two months later, Gunner was ready for his forever home. He was adopted by a beautiful woman named Christina. The new owner had a dog-loving daughter, so there was no doubt that Gunner would be well cared for. Similarly to his foster home, he was able to make friendships with several dogs in his new family.
It is incredible to watch how far Gunner has progressed as a result of Olivia’s efforts. If he had remained in the animal shelter, it might not have been possible to resolve his behavioral concerns, and it would have taken considerably longer for him to be adopted. Foster care demonstrates its value yet again.
Source: The Dodo